Read the paragraph below. In that paragraph, everybody’s favorite adventurer, Mrs. Waffenschmidt,
offers clues about the place she is visiting today. Use those clues to help you figure out where in the
world Mrs. Waffenschmidt is. Write your answer on the line at the bottom of the page.
In the Greek language, the name of this absolutely marvelous church means “divine wisdom.” With its impressive
dome, this landmark is the fourth largest cathedral in the world. It was first built in the year 537 A.D. Over the years,
several earthquakes have caused severe damage to the building. Its famous dome has been rebuilt more than once.
This church is one of the best examples in the world of Byzantine architecture. The 40 windows at the dome’s base
make it look like the dome is floating over the church. The church is loved for its beautiful mosaics and its marble
pillars too. Today, this famous church is a museum. In the streets nearby the church, a number of people are selling
tulips -- beautiful tulips in shades of red, yellow and pink. When most people think of tulips, they think of The
Netherlands, but did you know that tulips originated in this area? By the way, if it helps you figure out where I am, the
city I am visiting is the only city in the world that is located on two different continents!
Can you name the place I am visiting? Where in the world is this place found?
Te encuentras en la iglesia de Santa Sofía en Estambul.
Lo he deducido por las siguientes pistas:
-Porque en la lengua Griega a esta maravillosa Iglesia le llaman"la sabiduría divina"
-Porque es la cuarta catedral más grande del mundo.
-Su domo famoso a sido reconstruido más de una vez.
-Es una iglesia de la arquitectura bizantina.
-Tiene 40 ventanas.
-Esta iglesia es querida por sus preciosos mosaicos y sus pilares.
-Porque la ciudad que esta entre dos continentes es Estambul.
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